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Strengthening and transforming the businesses” through the capabilities of diverse human resources and working to become a corporate group full of creativity and energy

One of the Furukawa Electric Group's management philosophies is to "Nurture human resources at every level, so that we can become a more diverse and creative organization."

Since the founding of the company in 1884, we have focused our businesses on the transmission, connection and storage of energy, information and heat, and we provide a wide range of technologies, products and services to the field of infrastructure,  including telecommunications and energy, as well as to the automotive products  and electronics. Today, there are over 50,000 diverse employees working within the Group.

The sustainable growth drivers of the Group are:

i) respect different values of individuals based on background such as gender, nationality, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, with or without disabilities, and career

ii) develop every employee’s ability with motivation 

iii) make use of their strength and put them together into organizational one

Diversity & Inclusion is also a vital element for our corporate growth, in order to “become a company that is essential to society and creates solutions for the new generation of global infrastructure combining information, energy and mobility” as stated in Vision 2030.

We will continue to promote Diversity & Inclusion aiming to grow into a corporate group useful to society as bringing together the strengths of our diverse employees.


DFF Inc., サステナビリティ推進室, 組織開発課