IPアプリケーション(telnet,ftp-data,ftp,snmp,アプリケーション番号) |
IPプロトコル(tcp,udp,icmp,ospf,プロトコル番号) |
IPアドレス |
IPXアプリケーション(ncp,sap,rip netbios,diagnostic,アプリケーション番号) |
IPXプロトコル(ncp,spx,netbios,プロトコル番号) |
IPXアドレス |
AppleTalkプロトコル(RTMP(Rp/Dt),NBP,ATP,AEP,RTMP(Rq),ZIP,ADSP,プロトコル番号) |
AppleTalkアドレス |
ブリッジングデータ(ethertype,dlsap,プロトコル番号) |
MACアドレス |
conf#bridging on ←ブリッジング機能を使用する conf#bridging ←設定内容を確認 bridging:on pvc:off filtering:off addressdefault:forwarding protocoldefault:forwarding ageout:300(sec) delay:200(10msec)
conf#prioritycontrol on ←データ別優先制御機能を使用する conf#prioritycontrol ←設定内容を確認 on fast:70% medium:20% low:10%
conf#protocolpriority add bridge=fna fast ←ブリッジングデータの「fna」を優先(fast)する conf#protocolpriority ←設定内容を確認 mac frame fast :fna medium: low : ip packet fast : medium: low : ipx packet fast : medium: low :
conf#hostpriority add bridge=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx fast ←MACアドレス「xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx」を優先(fast)する conf#hostpriority ←設定内容を確認 mac host fast : xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx medium: low : ip host fast : medium: low : ipx host fast : medium: low :
INFONET-RX20 Remote Router A V01.03 1998.04.15 WAN topology ( 6) 1998/04/22 13:46:44 ( 0 00:01:34) Super Mode 1. configuration display 2. configuration set (normal) 3. configuration set (expert) 4. operation 5. information 6. shift to super mode 7. exit from remote console or current mode Select the number. : 2 ←基本設定を行います *** Selecting PORT way *** 1 HSD, HSD * 2 HSD, ISDN 3 FR, ISDN Select the number. [2]: *** Set current time parameter(s) *** 1998/04/22 13:46:49 Do you change (y/n)? [n]: *** Set Default host name configuration *** <Default host name configuration parameter(s)> host name : password : Do you change (y/n)? [n]: *** Selecting WAN topology *** <"L:" is load split, "B:" is backup, "L+B:" is load split and backup> 1 HSD 2 HSD ( B:ISDN#1) 3 HSD (L+B:ISDN#1) 4 HSD (L+B:ISDN#1,2) 5 HSD ( B:ISDN#1,2) * 6 ISDN#1 7 ISDN#1 (L :ISDN#2) 8 HSD, ISDN#1 9 HSD, ISDN#1 (L :ISDN#2) 10 ISDN#1, ISDN#2 11 HSD ( B:ISDN#1),ISDN#2 12 HSD (L+B:ISDN#1),ISDN#2 13 HSD, ISDN#1, ISDN#2 Select the number. [6]: 1 ←回線は専用線を用います *** Main: Set HSD configuration *** <Main HSD parameter(s)> speed : 0Kbps Do you change (y/n)? [n]: y speed(1:64K 2:128K) [2]: 2 ←回線速度は128kbps Main HSD parameter(s) are set to the following values. <Main HSD parameter(s)> speed : 128Kbps Set OK (y/n)? [y]: *** Set basic configuration *** <Basic configuration parameter(s)> IP routing : use IP filtering : not use IPX routing : not use AppleTalk routing: not use bridging : not use SNMP : use Do you change (y/n)? [n]: y IP routing (1:use 2:not use) [1]: ←IPルーティングを行います IP filtering (1:use 2:not use) [2]: IPX routing (1:use 2:not use) [2]: AppleTalk routing (1:use 2:not use) [2]: bridging (1:use 2:not use) [2]: 1 ←ブリッジングを行います SNMP (1:use 2:not use) [1]: Basic parameter(s) are set to the following values. <Basic configuration parameter(s)> IP routing : use IP filtering : not use IPX routing : not use AppleTalk routing: not use bridging : use SNMP : use Set OK (y/n)? [y]: : :省略 : Now you have set all configurations! Do you display the configurations (y/n)? [y]: n (Warning): Some configurations are not updated unless you reset 1. Save new parameter(s) and reset 3. Configurations set again 2. Save new parameter(s) only 4. Quit (no save and no reset) Select the number. : 2 ←設定を保存します INFONET-RX20 Remote Router A V01.03 1998.04.15 WAN topology ( 1) 1998/04/22 13:47:34 ( 0 00:02:24) Super Mode 1. configuration display 2. configuration set (normal) 3. configuration set (expert) 4. operation 5. information 6. shift to super mode 7. exit from remote console or current mode Select the number. : 3 ←拡張設定を行います *** Expert mode (configuration) menu *** 1. datalink 2. bridging 3. ICMP redirect 4. IP routing 5. TCP MSS 6. IPX routing 7. AppleTalk routing 8. SNMP 9. packet priority control 10. traffic logging 11. limitation of ISDN connection period 12. syslogd 13. mail inform Select the number. : 9 ←データ別優先制御の設定を行います *** EXP.: Data priority configuration menu **** 1. motion parameter(s) 2. IP protocol 3. IP address 4. IPX protocol 5. IPX address 6. AppleTalk protocol 7. AppleTalk address 8. bridging 9. MAC address Select the number. : 1 ←データ別優先制御を使用するか,優先度の比率の設定 *** EXP.: Set Packet priority control motion configuration **** <Packet priority control motion parameter(s)> packet priority control: not use Do you change (y/n)? [n]: y ←データ別優先制御を使用する packet priority control (1:use 2:not use) [2]: 1 band rate high [70]: normal [20]: ←優先度の比率を決めます EXP.: Packet priority control motion parameter(s) are set to the following values. <Packet priority control motion parameter(s)> packet priority control: use band rate high : 70 normal : 20 Set OK (y/n)? [y]: *** EXP.: Data priority configuration menu **** 1. motion parameter(s) 2. IP protocol 3. IP address 4. IPX protocol 5. IPX address 6. AppleTalk protocol 7. AppleTalk address 8. bridging 9. MAC address Select the number. : 8 ←優先度をつけるデータを選択します *** EXP.: Set bridge table configuration **** <bridge table (max 4 entries)> no entry. 1. change 2. delete 3. add 4. end Select the number. [4]: 3 datalink(1:ethertype 2:dlsap 3:fna) []: 3 ←「fna」を選択 priority (1:high 2:normal 3:low) [1]: ←「fna」を「優先」に設定 bridge table data: no datalink protocol priority ---+---------+--------+-------- 1. fna -------- high Add OK (y/n)? [y]: *** EXP.: Set bridge table configuration **** <bridge table (max 4 entries)> no datalink protocol priority no datalink protocol priority ---+---------+--------+--------+----+---------+--------+-------- 1. fna -------- high 1. change 2. delete 3. add 4. end Select the number. [4]: