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Furukawa Review No.27

Thermal Design Tool for Vehicle Electric Parts

Keiji Mashimo, Hiroshi Nagase, Yukihiro Saita, Ken Koizumi and Shin-ichi Jingama


This paper proposes a software tool utilizing CAE, and a method for parts design. Progress in vehicle electronics has been remarkable, and electronic circuit design now has a significant influence on car performance. Hence, it is desirable to link analysis and circuit design directly. Commercial design software allows approximate calculation of heat transfer in circuit boards, but the distribution of heat generation and differences of heat transfer coefficients are not taken into account. This paper addresses these issues and reports on an advantageous circuitry technique. The main feature of this development is the specially made component library that can be used with commercial analysis software. Information stored in the component library includes the shape and heat transfer coefficient of each surface, the heat generated, and the terminal connecting structure. Even if the shape and heat transfer coefficients can be defined with commercial software, residual parameters are hard to define due to the limitations of the software. A CAD-based geometry file is combined with component data, and the combined file is applicable for computer analysis. As a result of utilizing the above-mentioned technique, the cost of designing a new circuit board or a junction block, etc. can be halved compared to conventional techniques.

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