Participation in Research Association for “Well-Being Management”
Further enhancing our initiatives toward work style reformation and health management
Furukawa Electric is a participant in the “Research Association for Management Allowing Everyone to Continue Living in Happiness”, started by Professor Takashi Maeno of Keio University’s Graduate School of System Design and Management. We hope to be able to apply this research association’s knowledge of well-being management research and its network to our initiatives for work style reformation and health management.
Overview of “Research Association for Management Allowing Everyone to Continue Living in Happiness”
This association was started on October 4, 2017, mainly focused on the Human Laboratory (Human System Design Laboratory, led by Professor Takashi Maeno) of Keio University’s Graduate School of System Design and Management, with the participation of major corporations and with WAKE UP Co., Ltd. assuming the role of secretariat. Its objective is to spread and encourage management measures allowing employees, managers, customers, and society to continue existing in happiness and comfort, throughout its participating corporations and all of society as a whole. In addition to holding regular meetings roughly once a month to share information on each company’s initiatives, all of its participating companies will cooperate with each other in programs to improve their level of well-being.
Main Points
Furukawa Electric is promoting initiatives for work style reformation, diversity promotion, and health management with the slogan “Everyone working lively, continuing to grow and being a proud corporate group”. As the necessity for employees to be able to work in good physical as well as emotional health continues to rise together with the importance of carrying out well-being management, we felt a strong sense of alignment and connection with the main principles of this research association, led by Keio University Graduate School Professor Maeno, and have participated in its preparatory meetings since October of last year.
We hope to apply the association’s knowledge of well-being management research and its network to further enhance our company’s initiatives for work style reformation and health management.
About Furukawa Electric Group
Furukawa Electric (TSE; 5801, ISIN; JP3827200001) Group started business in 1884, when its copper-smelting facility and wire manufacturing factory was established. Since then Furukawa Electric has become pioneers in the latest technologies by addressing diverse technological issues. Furukawa Electric has released products in a number of areas, including telecommunications, electronics, automobiles, and construction, with the three types of materials it works with at their core, namely, optics, plastics, and metals. Many of these products have attained the top global market share, and all of its products have contributed to society in numerous business areas. Furukawa Electric reported consolidated revenues of JPY 843.3 billion (approximately USD 7.8B) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017.