Furukawa Electric Group Releases Sustainability Report 2019
- We will transform into a sustainable corporate group by promoting ESG management. -

September 30, 2019

Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. has issued the “Furukawa Electric Group Sustainability Report 2019”, with renewed contents and structure.


Furukawa Electric Group is accelerating its efforts in ESG management to aim at delivering sustained profitable growth and taking the Group into new heights. As part of these efforts, in April 2019, we established a Corporate Sustainability Office in the Administration & CSR Division. We have also established the “Furukawa Electric Group, Vision 2030” and have embarked on efforts to achieve that vision. We are working to enhance the content of our Sustainability Report in order to communicate these initiatives in more accessible ways.


Furukawa Electric Co., Ltd. has released the “Furukawa Electric Group Sustainability Report 2019”, which contains financial and non-financial information for fiscal 2018 for all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors.
Specifically, the report features a message from the President, in which he discusses the promotion of ESG management and the transformation of the Group into a sustainable corporate group. It also includes reports on the progress of the mid-term management plan and the Group’s individual businesses and the Group's thinking and initiatives regarding issues related to the environment, society, and governance (ESG), provided in easy-to-understand terms.
The enhanced report has special features on "State-of-the-Art Analysis Technology that Has Supported and Accelerated Technology Innovation within Furukawa Electric Group" and "Aiming to Be a Creative and Very Vibrant Corporate Group by Taking Advantages of the Diverse Human Resources"
Readers are also encouraged to refer to the “CSR Data Book”, which provides various data. The “Furukawa Electric Group Sustainability Report 2019” and the “CSR Data Book” are available on the Furukawa Electric website in Japanese and English.

About Furukawa Electric Group

Furukawa Electric (TSE; 5801, ISIN; JP3827200001) Group started business in 1884, when its copper-smelting facility and wire manufacturing factory was established. Since then Furukawa Electric has become pioneers in the latest technologies by addressing diverse technological issues. Furukawa Electric has released products in a number of areas, including telecommunications, electronics, automobiles, and construction, with the three types of materials it works with at their core, namely, optics, plastics, and metals. Many of these products have attained the top global market share, and all of its products have contributed to society in numerous business areas. Furukawa Electric reported consolidated revenues of JPY 991.6 billion (approximately USD 8.9B) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019.