2025 New Year’s Greeting from President Hideya Moridaira
- Summary for the Employees -

January 6, 2025

To all employees of Furukawa Electric Group, Happy New Year!
I would like to thank you all for your dedication and hard work.
With one year and three months until the end of the Furukawa Electric Group Medium-term Management Plan 2022-2025 (2025 Mid-term Plan) “Road to Vision 2030 – Transform and Challenge –”, we are making steady progress toward the targets set in this plan. I ask all employees to think, use your knowledge and take the initiative to further accelerate our activities and achieve the targets by strengthening the teams and group. We can do it. Keep up your strong efforts until we reach the goal.

Ability to respond to change

A number of major elections occurred around the world last year. In particular, following the presidential election in the United States in November, there has been increased attention on the international implications of the results, including acceleration of nationalism in the country and changes to the military balance around the world. In addition, following the elections in Japan, the ruling party lost its majority in the House of Representatives. In terms of the economy, a number of situations have occurred that require our attention, including the economic slowdown in China, active data center markets following the rapid introduction of AI, weakening yen and rising costs.
As a group, our financial results are recovering, and we revised up the FY2024 full-year forecast for net sales and profits. Also, we are implementing bold initiatives to realize and enhance our potential aimed at growth of the group, including reorganizing the optical fiber and cable business and metal wire business.
While calmly monitoring the changes taking place around the world, we will clarify and enhance our strengths as a group toward becoming a corporate group that can make major contributions to solving the social issues.

Importance of dialogue

Last year, in commemoration of celebrating the 140th anniversary of our group, we set forth the Furukawa Electric Group Purpose. In this purpose, we declared our reason for being to be “Composing the core of a brighter world”. I ask you all to think and talk with those around you about your reason for being as an employee of the group. In other words, I hope you will think and talk about what your own purpose is, the reason for being of your workplace and about motivation. Through dialogue and personal thought, your purpose will become clear, and I believe sharing this purpose with others in the workplace will lead to increased motivation toward the work and an increased feeling of “work-related satisfaction”.
After achieving the targets set in the 2025 Mid-term Plan, we will turn our attention to the targets set in Furukawa Electric Group Vision 2030. Understanding of the Purpose and engaging in the daily work with strong motivation will lead to achieving Vision 2030. Let’s work as a group to compose the core of a brighter world.

Safety and health First

Continuing to reduce and eliminate accidents toward the goal of achieving zero accidents is the most important factor for maintaining the business activities directed at achieving the targets, and it is a topic that I have discussed often. Accidents that could have been prevented by following the rules and maintaining an awareness of safety are occurring at an alarming rate. Let’s eliminate these “accidents that could have been prevented by following the rules”, as well as work to “prevent similar accidents from occurring again”. In addition, I ask you all to actively communicate in the workplace and maintain a strong awareness of safety and health.

Furukawa Electric Group’s efforts towards the SDGs

Based on the “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” adopted by the United Nations, Furukawa Electric Group has formulated the “Furukawa Electric Group Vision 2030” which sets the year 2030 as its target and is advancing efforts with the aim to “Build a sustainable world and make people’s life safe, peaceful and rewarding, Furukawa Electric Group will create solutions for the new generation of global infrastructure combining information, energy and mobility.” Toward the achievement of our Vision 2030, we will take open, agile, and innovative approaches to promote ESG management that aims to increase corporate value over the medium to long term and will contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.