Aiming at medium to long-term improvement in corporate value based on ESG

Founder’s thoughts and SDGs

Mr. Ichibei Furukawa, the founder of Furukawa Group said “Three valuable things” as a founder’s thoughts. Since its foundation in 1884, Furukawa Electric has inherited these words in its DNA and has grown.

We consider this founder’s thoughts have something in common with SDGs and we contribute to the realization of a sustainable society as members of society who forge the future.

Founder’s thoughts

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Furukawa Electric Group, Vision 2030

Furukawa Electric determined the year 2030 as a target same as the year SDGs to be achieved. We exhaustively projected the future and put together Furukawa Electric Group Vision 2030.

We are committed to becoming a corporate group that can provide value in society, which is being integrated by advanced information associated with progress in ICT technology. We intend to achieve this goal by expressing our specific target timeframe and areas aimed at by the Group, sharing the vision throughout the entire Group, and bringing together our strengths.

Furukawa Electric Group, Vision 2030

In order to build a sustainable world and make people’s life safe, peaceful and rewarding, Furukawa Electric Group will create solutions for the new generation of global infrastructure combining information, energy and mobility.

Promoting ESG management

Directed at achieving Furukawa Electric Group Vision 2030, Furukawa Electric is openly, agilely and innovatively promoting management aimed at medium to long-term improvement in corporate value based on ESG (environment, social and governance).

Efforts to Strengthen the Foundation of ESG management

ESG in General

April 2019 Established Corporate Sustainability Office

May 2019 Formulated Furukawa Electric Group, Vision 2030

February 2020 Signed United Nations Global Compact

August 2021 Established Furukawa Electric Group Basic Policy on Sustainability and Furukawa Electric Group Sustainability Committee


March 2019 Environmental targets 2030 set

August 2019 Science Based Targets (SBT) certified

January 2020 Expressed support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)

December 2020 Selected as CDP Climate Change A-listed company for the first time

March 2021 Formulated Furukawa Electric Group Environmental Vision 2050


November 2018 Formulated Furukawa Electric Group Vision for Our People

January 2020 Formulated Furukawa Electric Group Human Rights Policy

July 2021 Moved head office to Tokyo Torch Tokiwabashi Tower


June 2019 Strengthened independence of outside directors, enhanced board diversity (All five outside directors are independent and one female outside director appointed)

June 2020 Diversity of outside audit & supervisory board members (appointed one female audit & supervisory board member)

January 2021 Revised Furukawa Electric Group CSR Procurement Guidelines (3rd edition)

June 2021 Reduced one internal director

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