Satoshi Yamazaki, Yojiro Oba, Hirokazu Sasaki, Masato Ohnuma
The small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and the ultra-small angle X-ray scattering (USAXS) measurements were performed for the quantitative evaluation of the nano inclusions and the voids in electrodeposited copper foil. It is presumed that these nano inclusions are the substances added when manufacturing the foil, and that the voids were formed by the aggregation and the disappearance of the nano inclusions at annealing. As a result of the measurements, it was confirmed that there is a clear difference in the scattering intensity between the foil to which an organic additive had been added and the one without an additive in the High-q region where the q is larger than about 0.3 nm-1. In the foil annealed at 300°C, the scattering intensity increased in the Low-q region. These scattering intensities are presumed to be originated from the nano inclusions and voids, respectively.
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